cocos2d-x and AbiTalk

By admin on April 9, 2012 in Uncategorized with 1 Comment

cocos2d-x and AbiTalk

I am  using cocos2d-x to develop the app for both iOS and android platform. Cocos2d-x is cross platform tool and is kind of new to the market. There are still a lot of room to improve. I met the founder of the coocs2d-x Walzer Wang last month at San Francisco Game conference. He is very sharp and nice guy. I am successfully parted 3 apps from iOS to Android devices. I also developed two cross platform apps using cocos2d-x. If you have any technical question, please free to contact me. I’ll be be happy to help you.

I am Emmy, I am on the right in the picture.  Walzer Wang is on the left.  Bob Bruce is in the middle holding our dog Stella.  :)


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